I ran out of time for posting this by Friday so it will be brief. A door seemed appropriate.
I did quite a few interviews around open and access. I’m still pleased that so many people want to talk about this with me. I have scaled back interviews for the coming week because the Craft Services course will be taking priority.
Next week I’ll be writing up some observations from memory and making some connections. I’ll also be reading through the widening our doorways plan and looking for places to tie in what I’ve got so far. I feel like the conversations are drifting – not so much in a way that I feel I have to reign them in – but more in a way where access is becoming less about accessibility (like accessible content) and more about just getting in the door.
I may find that I need to talk to a few more people – haven’t really spoken much to teaching faculty. There has to come a time when enough is enough but I do feel like the teaching voice isn’t really part of the conversation so far, and that may be okay in the context of what I’m doing. It may be more important for follow up. We’ll see.