Or maybe they don't? Might as well share.

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Week Ending May 1, 2020


On to a new month. This is the Celebrity Eclipse. The ship I was supposed to be boarding in a couple of days. Not sad. Still feeling very fortunate that I still have work and that I can be useful. I am a little disappointed that I won’t get to help lead the Fluevog Field Trip that has become part of the etug/Festival of Learning events. 

Mood for this week – if I’m  not busy, I’m exhausted. 

I only had one thing scheduled for Monday – that was different. Mike and I did a session on content in Blackboard Learn. We had some people who were very new to Blackboard so I’m really glad we have these introductory sessions planned. I spent the rest of the morning looking for resources. I found quite a few. I’m specifically looking for resources for the trades as we’ll be doing targeted sessions for them as well as for Fine Arts.  

I went in to the college in the afternoon to see if my laptop could be docked into the station in my office. It could. I was trying to get a couple of pieces of software installed. Managed to get Dreamweaver in and will try another day for Fireworks. While I was there Gerald (Health and Safety) who has an office across from mine, shared the new door sign protocol at the college. It’s a bit like the housekeeping sign at a hotel. It’s a red/green door hanger sign. Facilities was going around cleaning offices that hadn’t been used so this saves them a lot of time. If you’re sharing a space, you put up the red ‘please clean’ sign, and if you’re not, it’s a green ‘this room has been cleaned’ message.
Also while I was there Mel dropped by to give me a wacom tablet. Good timing. I’ll be able to practice and share tips with instructors. For some it will be very useful to be able to demonstrate by drawing. 

Tuesday morning I tried to get a little content into some bullet points for our trades sessions starting tomorrow. Didn’t get very far but think I know where I’m going. Some of the resources I pulled Monday will be helpful. Margaret and I did two BlueJeans sessions again – participant and moderator. It’s always the same content but the different participants change the dynamic. Both went well.

We also met with Student tech support to talk about the ‘learn anywhere; document that we’re putting together for students. I’ve thrown as much content at it as I could by end of day. (as I’m writing this)  Margaret and Geoff also added some things so hopefully there’s enough information, and links to information for students to get started with. 

This was our big Blackboard Learn upgrade day. 

Wednesday (really? It’s only Wednesday?) we ran our first session on using Blackboard Learn targeted for trades.  I enjoyed it and will follow up with a ‘demo’ course that we will enroll everyone in for some ideas on organization and important elements to include (and why to include them).  I started that right after the session. We have a part B with them on Friday that will expand on assessments and introduce Kaltura. 

Mike and I did another assessment session for Blackboard in the afternoon – very well attended. I like that we get good questions and that sometimes instructors share how they do they things.  We had a quick ‘touch base’ meeting about the upgrade. There were a couple of things broken but overall it seemed to go well. I drafted up a couple of sessions for the Fine Arts group in the first 2 weeks of May. Finding blocks of time is getting tricky but now we can take turns with some of the BlueJeans sessions so it doesn’t have to be ‘all hands on deck’ and I can make time for other things. 

Thursday I met with an instructor first thing and followed that up with a BlueJeans moderator session with Margaret. Worked a bit with Mike on planning out our Trades part B session for Friday.  Lots of email and some helpdesk things.  Couldn’t get in to helpdesk all afternoon. Spent afternoon time working on my sample course for trades. It’s coming together well and I will use some variation of it for other things. I left Margaret alone for the afternoon BlueJeans session as she didn’t need me. Tried to sit in on a union meeting (informal) but was I was working in the back ground  and  not paying attention so I checked out. 

Friday – another grade center session with Mike followed by our Trades Part B – actually 2 Trades Part B sessions.  I really enjoyed our sessions with the Trades instructors. We got into some really good discussion. I keep trying to come up with the perfect analogy but I’m not there yet. I remember this from years ago working with instructors who knew and understood their linear syllabus but struggled to get their head around why I was pulling it apart to make it work in a different format  All the pieces were still there, they were just in a different order that would make sense for a different kind of delivery. 

I am more or less finished my ‘sample course for trades’. It was fun to build and I will probably go in and tweak a few things because there is always something to tweak. That mood at the top was the first few days of the week. It gets kind of energizing after a while. I’m going to try and just relax and get outside this weekend. 


Week Ending April 24/2020

Sun through the moss in the trees in Seal Bay Park

I started the week with back to back to back sessions. I attended part of day one of the course re-design sprint and then headed into a session on content in Blackboards Learn followed by a session on blueJeans participation. In the afternoon we did a BlueJeans moderator session and I was able to catch up on a few emails I’d been wanting to respond to as well as create my first account for someone in BlueJeans through a help desk ticket.

We got the news that we can use time sheets if we go over our allotted hours in a week. That, in itself is a relief.  It takes some pressure off of which thing you have to prioritize when everything is important. Even if I don’t have to use it, I know it’s there and that feels like just getting a bit of white space to work with. Some breathing room.

I attended the sprint again on Tuesday morning and had a little time to work on our Blackboard 0 session, AKA Blackboard Basics. We have an agenda roughed out on the topics we will cover. I know we have instructors who have been using Blackboard at their particular comfort level but are still not sure about how some of the tools work and some who have never used it at all.

I was also able to get a handout together for creating breakout rooms via scheduling rather than using the function in the app. Large groups appear to be causing problems for the BlueJeans breakout rooms.

Margaret and I got two more BlueJeans sessions in on Wednesdays. The moderator session was well attended. The participant session was small but we enjoyed it. It was a bit personalized but also covered all the material. Mike and I did another Blackboard session on assessments. Good crowd and there were people there who realized they need to learn more about Blackboard than they can get out of one session.

As always while these things are going on, there are instructors who need support by email or through helpdesk.

Thursday I was able to attend the whole sprint about engaging learners. The attendees explored some different tools for engagement and reported back. I got kicked out of the session and lost my BlueJeans desktop app. This has happened before; even after re-installing it wouldn’t synch with my BCNeT  page. Managed to get it worked out. Got together with the team for some updates on BlueJeans and all the other myriad things going on right now.

Margaret and I are going to chip in on some documentation for supporting students in the upcoming terms and I’ve started writing some of that content. I now have a conceptual framework for where this content will go and what it will look like and that helps.  We’ll work with the student tech support team to pull everything together.

I attended part of the last sprint day today but had to leave early for another session with Mike on using Gradebook. We had at least 14 people and I think it went well. I am so happy to see so many people participating in these sessions. It’s obvious that everyone is trying and when I hear things like “my teaching is going to be so much better after this” it validates all the effort that goes in to making it happen.

There was more of one on one support with faculty through email, bluejeans and helpdesk, as above.  I received a lot of ‘thank you’ emails this week and that was nice. Not just to me, of course but to everyone who is leading and supporting sessions.  I may have said this before but it’s worth saying again. Seeing the college community come together like this is fantastic. I can’t remember a time when welding instructors and English teachers and scientists were in a shared space learning together like this.

Next week just got a little busier with some new sessions added specifically for our trades faculty, many of whom have been showing up for regular sessions.  Many hands on instructors are brand new to what’s available to them online. I’m looking forward to it.

I probably left some things out but this is getting long. I didn’t end up working full time this week but without the time sheet option, let’s just say my work would have been slap-dash, and I would have been snacking on antacids. That white space I mentioned is important – everything feels so much less rushed.

I really enjoy the online training sessions and the colleagues I get to do them with. Feeling fortunate not just to be working but to be working with awesome people.

p.s. If I did a word cloud of this post the word SESSION would probably be the biggest one.


Week Ending April 17th.


Not really this panicked but seriously, I have lost complete track of how time is passing. How is April half over? I’ve begun to feel a strange sense of ennui combined with adrenaline.  Bring on the weekend.

Tuesday Margaret and I held our inaugural BlueJeans training sessions. One for participants and one for moderators.  They went well and we can definitely polish them up.  I’m finding the BlueJeans environment makes me re-think some of my previous best practices. For example, the welcome slide. I used to always use one just so there was something there when people entered the room. I find in BlueJeans, everyone enters with their camera on and so far, they are chatting with each other and I kind of don’t wan’t to disturb them. Maybe in the future for less wild learning times, I will disable cameras on entry and have a slide up before things get started.

Wednesday Mike and I did two of our Blackboard Learn sessions – one on organizing and uploading content and one on assessment tools.  We had almost no time to prep together but were able to divide the content up. Fortunately we’ve done similar sessions in the past and can work off each other quite well. Again both sessions went well but I know where I’m going to make a couple of changes – first in explaining more about the content area in Blackboard (student view) before talking about the Content collection (instructor view). Brent gave me a helpful analogy to try out.

It’s so great to have partners in these sessions. There were some really good questions in all four sessions and a lot of repeat customers showing up for everything. Their questions are really useful and sometimes they can answer questions for us from their experience with the tools.

Thursday and Friday more training sessions. Margaret and I did a couple of  more BlueJeans sessions and Mike and I did a session on the grade center for Blackboard Learn. It’s a complicated thing and I think we got a good balance of the technical – what’s going on behind the scenes – and the practical – how it works – things. We emphasized that even though you can do a lot of calculations it’s not always in your interest. Keep it simple. Also, don’t worry if none of this sticks because you probably won’t be using it right away.  It’s a lot to remember and we’re just a helpdesk ticket away. Mike and I have both noticed that some faculty aren’t aware that they can email helpdesk so we’re reminding people at every opportunity.

I have used up all my hours (and if i’m honest, probably a bit more) for the week. One more meeting, post this draft, and then I’m done. Next week should be interesting trying to parcel out the time over 5 days instead of 4.  All of the sessions have gone quite well – at least from the feedback and comments we’ve received so far – despite the lack of time to prepare. I think people are just so appreciative that there are opportunities on offer.



Week ending April 9/10 2020

little bird sitting on a fenceI forgot that it was Easter this weekend and tried to schedule things for Monday.  All the days are starting to blur a little bit.

I got very mixed up around scheduling sessions this week. I’m doing BlueJeans training with Margaret and Blackboard training with Mike this month. In my head, all the BlueJeans sessions were on Tuesdays and Thursdays so when it came to scheduling Blackboard we went with Mondays and Wednesdays. I had forgotten that we chose to stagger the BlueJeans to try and hit the most availability. Now that everything is in my calendar and I’m working on support documents I’m feeling like I might be getting a grip on it.  Part of the problem was that I missed a couple of emails and was only looking ahead. If I’d looked back, I might have noticed the conflicts. I think it’s time to dust off the whiteboard calendar from my contracting days. I need a visual that isn’t outlook.

There’s a lot of information coming at us these days (at NIC) and some new, exciting developments and tools to learn. We have a major BB upgrade coming at the end of the month.  It shouldn’t have too much impact on faculty who are going through enough right now.  The interface doesn’t look a lot different but there will be a couple of new features, like the option to record audio for feedback on assignments.

There was more faculty support this week via emails and phone calls. Our web help desk access has been set up and I’m gently directly faculty there first. It  feels like you’re turning people away but in the long run it will be much more efficient and will help us track the kind of requests we’re getting to target training. It’s quite interesting to see instructors embrace new tools and I like to see the ways they are using them. There are some really good questions coming in and I’m learning more all the time through helping.

I was able to work a couple of more hours in a day this week with the stat holiday on Friday. It’s weird to not have Margaret around this week to check in with.  Hopefully this was a well timed vacation break for her because the next couple of weeks are going to be heavy with sessions for faculty.

We did a little WordPress/OpenETC run through Thursday and started planning for May.  The April sessions are filling up. Got a little peek at what Kaltura is going to look like in Blackboard.  Prepped a hand out and some notes for next week’s sessions. Looking forward to getting back into training people online. I used to really enjoy it.

Happy Easter

Week Ending April 3, 2020

Just a chicken, sitting in a tree, because, why not?  A busy week with getting ready for upcoming faculty training.

Monday BlueJeans meetings, matrix editing, faculty support

Tuesday BlueJeans meetings, planning for spring, faculty support – tried to sneak into the Trades session that BCcampus was holding a bit late and was informed that the room was full!  I think it’s great that they’re doing these sessions and the fact they filled 100 online seats shows there is a need/want for this kind of training and learning together.

Wednesday, more teaching and learning, planning for those of us who do training sessions to be trained up on all, or some of our new offerings.  I spent the afternoon on phone calls helping instructors. Particularly with metal jewelry instructor who I worked with years ago but has been out of Blackboard for a while. We looked for creative ways for her to share files in her courses. There are four courses and some had up to 18 files. Linking to them one by one seemed pretty onerous so to save time we made an item and put links to the files in there. Not my preferred method, but at least they were all nicely named so students could find what they need.

Thursday and Friday involved working on an outline for our upcoming BlueJeans sessions with Margaret, getting my vpn set up to access the Web Helpdesk and continuing to support instructors. Mike and I did a couple of sessions on Blackboard with the team. It helped to test out what we’ll do with faculty. Of course it was a completely different audience but it was a good sharing time. It’s great to have the BB student supporters coming to our sessions. Margaret and I had a couple of short BlueJeans chats to draft our sessions and I said  that on Monday I would take on the draft outline that Margaret started and combine it with a hand out Liesel used so we’d have something to work from.

I’m late posting this and have learned that if I don’t keep notes during the week and just get it done on Fridays, it’s hard to back track and remember what went on.  I also learned that I very nearly deleted an important folder when switching laptops. It had gone into my recycle bin rather than the folder I was preparing for one drive. Crisis averted, but just.



Week Ending March 27, 2020

brown cow at Mascota, Jalisco, MexicoHow now?

We hit the ground running Monday morning sitting in on LIesel’s daily faculty get together in BlueJeans. I think these are important. There are a lot of repeat attendees and we learn something new each day. I sat in on another session with people from Student Services who are going to need to change the way they do things.

After those, I had a few faculty support phone calls and the rest of the day was spent trying to finish up the BlueJeans handouts and spending a few minutes catching up with Margaret and helping with some edits to her hand out.

Tuesday started much the same – same things, different people, different sort of trouble shooting.. The morning felt a little stressful – just wondering  how there would be enough time to respond to everyone and get actual work done.  I had back to back conversations with faculty – first was in Skype for Business, then one by phone, another with email exchanges and then one more in BlueJeans. Awesome that we have so many ways to communicate. This came following the 9 am BlueJeans session for faculty and there went the morning.

I managed a draft of the participant user handout for BlueJeans  and I have an outline and screenshots for the moderator one. That one has a lot of moving parts but will hopefully come together without too much trouble (it didn’t).

I Had a nice chat with LIesel from my home office window and got outside to walk some documents over to the college. It was very, very quiet over there. Signs on all the doors ’employees only’.  Finished the afternoon on that draft I mentioned and was able to jump into a faculty support call with Margaret and an instructor before stopping for the day.

I am going to start building in breaks. It’s something I used to be good at. These days, not so much.

Wednesday was a lot more of the same. The  9 am session followed by faculty support, followed by working on a moderator hand out for BlueJeans – just the basics – but still a lot of ground to cover and in and out of my meeting room for screen shots.  Had a brief meeting with the SCETUG leadership team and it was nice to see everyone and touch base. We’re going to arrange for an after work happy hour with the whole committee to check in and there’s been some activity on the slack site. We’re all feeling the effects.

There has been a little humour – for example: This acting teacher working out how to teach online

and a great McSweeney article “welcome to your hastily prepared online college course

I took some time off creating hand outs Thursday morning to source some things for future handouts.  Open University has a nice post for students. Advice from Open University Students

I spent time, again, with faculty in the morning and I learned more things about BlueJeans and how people access it. Things are different on  computer, tablet and phone. The options change. On an ipad or Android tablet there is no browser option, for example. I managed a draft of a handout for recording essentials in BlueJeans.

Friday… after our 9 am session I attended a BCcampus supported session and it was great to hear what’s going on with educators in general. Lots of faculty, including a couple from NIC, and lots of people working at institutions in the same boat as we are. Later, I  was able to clean up the document on Recording Essentials.

The SCETUG  happy hour was a rousing success for those of us who could attend. What a supportive group and so nice to see everyone and share our stories of this past couple of weeks. I needed that.


Week Ending March 20, 2020

little figurine of a dragon with a crystal ball. Well that was a different sort of week wasn’t it? Every time I hear the news it sounds like the background track to a sci-fi movie – without action scenes.

I’ve been putting in extra hours as the college helps instructors to compress the term.  I spent most of my time preparing documents to help instructors add content and assessment tools to their courses.

Emails began to steadily roll in by Wednesday as more face to face interactions were cancelled.

I helped out in the Office of Global Engagement ( OGE) Wednesday morning as they tried their first  BlueJeans conference for 20 with colleagues across the province. Everything went pretty well and they were  happy to have someone there for moral support as much tech support.

I’m learning more about Blackboard from the instructor perspective as I help people with their courses. Finding out more about BlueJeans too and how the recordings work. Speaking of BlueJeans, account requests (and creations) were fast and furious. There were hundreds this week.

I spent Friday on starting some BlueJeans help files. I have the participant one almost ready and screen shots and some text for moderators. I takes me back to teaching  instructors how to use Collaborate except then, there was time for actual scheduled training. This is full court press. I like the daily sessions with instructors that Liesel is doing. I get to see where the gaps are and it’s supportive place where instructors are helping each other. Also nice to stay connected while we work from home.

No crystal ball for what happens next.

Week Ending March 13, 2020


Purple crocusThis was an interesting week for the world in general and the microcosms that intersect in mine.

I started on Tuesday helping a frustrated instructor and then updating and prioritizing my goals for the week and then the goalposts moved. Things I prioritized working on were our Open Educational Resources sessions, the Learning Experience Inquiry Group, and more familiarity with WordPress and BlueJeans.

We held our first session on Open Educational Resources with the subject of Open Textbooks. I spent some time planning for my part in that as well as working on the PowerPoint that we used.  Liesel, Jason and I hosted the session and had 4 people in the room and one who came in by BlueJeans.  It went really well. There was enthusiasm for the topic and one participant is now an Open convert. We shared why and how one would adopt an open text, how it works specifically at NIC if you want to use one and then we hit them with some stats on impact that expensive textbooks have on students. We shared some stories from the #textbookbroke, and #textbookbrokebc hashtags. It was a fun session.

My original plans for the rest of my time this week revolved around preparing for meetings and sessions, and then the cancellations started rolling in. We’ve postponed a lot of things as the college works out plans for dealing with the Corona virus.  So far, NIC is staying the course and instructors are working on compressing the semester rather than moving online.

The Chronicle of Higher Ed held an online session on ‘Colleges and Caronavirus’ this morning.  I attended for a while thinking there might be some useful content.  They had some technical difficulties in getting most of the moderators in. Some of the questions and observations were similar to what I’m hearing in my network – technical solutions that can disadvantage some students, visas and travel issues for International students, the cost of operating an institution that can’t stay open.

The message that is coming through from the people I follow is to not so much try and move everything online but to use the online pieces for checking in, communication, the caring aspects of teaching and learning. Another common theme was that there is a lot that can be done online that doesn’t need to be synchronous, and adding extra levels of tech can add extra barriers for students. This in response to lots of requests for video conferencing software.

My original plans for today were: a session with the Experience Inquiry Group followed by another Open Resources session, followed by an Education Council meeting. I also had some preparation to work on for my session next week on assessing student assignments in BB Learn.  Both morning sessions were cancelled/put on hold, but EdCo was a go. There was a lot of reading prep for today.  At EdCo we saw a new program in Indigenous languages go through and that was pretty cool.  We’ve postponed my session for next Friday but I will still prioritize the prep for it as instructors are asking how to accept student assignments online and I want to have some ready resources for them.

Where my worlds collide, I had plans to attend the Festival of Learning in Vancouver in May, and the week before that I had some personal travel plans. Both of those are off the table now, and that’s fine. Disappointing, for sure but I really feel for the event organizers. There are a lot of moving parts to planning that conference.

So far, my priorities for next week are to continue working on the resources for my assessment session and reading through more of the Experience Inquiry documents. I need to come up with a couple of Digital Pedagogy bullet points for what we want to see in an Educational Developer. Liesel has come up with a nice template set of instructions for using BlueJeans and I imagine there will be more account creation in my future. If there are Continuity of Learning sessions going on next week I will attend when I can.  Hopefully I can spend a little time on this site, and, as always, I’ll be  responding to instructors who need help or have questions.

A few previous priorities have shifted in these tumultuous days.  There are a lot of changes both due to, and completely unrelated to the current pandemic.  I expect a fair bit of re-calibration, it’s all adaptable and adjustable.  Tonight there is a  college event in support of our Tourism students.  This could be my last public social event for a while. Who knows what next week will bring?



Week ending March 6, 2020

Snowdrop flowers


March? Really?

Tuesday afternoon I met with Mags and Laurie to talk about Work/PD planning. It’s helpful to talk through what other people are doing to get my own in order. Had a good chat with Liesel about what is PD planning vs. what’s just work?  I think I got stuck trying to put things in a grid and my ID mind wanted to make the content fit the boxes but conceptual mind had other ideas. Either way my mind works there hasn’t been a lot of spare time to put in more detail. Now that I’ve seen the other plan styles and got some context, I think I can come up with something that works for me. I did a similar thing with some financial planning the other day – spreadsheet to notepad, to Word doc… so out of a grid and into another sort of grid by a circular route.

Tuesday  I also  learned how to set up BlueJeans accounts and sent out my first welcome letter. I think I have a handle on the account creation but I’ll have to do it a few times. I also need to practice with scheduling meetings.  It’s pretty straightforward but I had a moment where I wondered if I scheduled a specific time, would I (and participants) be able to access the room before that time. I’ve since clued in that it’s my room so I can get in any time. I think it’s the lingering effects of last week’s cold making me fuzzy.

Had an ed-tech nerd moment this week when I realized I was trying to read Martin Weller’s 25 Years of EdTech  on one screen and Jesse Stommel on my phone – at the same time… I really liked Martin’s acknowledgement of the women in ed-tech and I thought it was cool that I know, or have at least met so many of them. They inspire me. I follow the #femedtech twitter conversations, and I even have a #femedtech pin but I don’t contribute much.  I should have done a quilt block.  There are just so many interesting people doing cool things. I want to make more time for reading the content they share.

Wednesday Liesel, Laurie,  and I met with the Department Chair for HCA to talk about BlueJeans. She was suitably impressed with how easy it was to join  a meeting.  I also spent a little volunteer time with the Ed-Tech users group We’re working on plans for the fall conference at Douglas College.  I enjoy that kind of planning because interesting conversations happen when people from different institutions, doing similar work, get together to try and build a common theme for participants. I’m going to be transitioning out of my leadership role on the etug stewardship committee (SCETUG) this summer. I’ve done a year as chair and a year as co-chair and it’s time for someone else to step in to the leadership triad.

Today I had my third session in BlueJeans: Tidying Up: Organizing Content and Files in your Blackboard Course. There were less people in attendance this time, but still about 7.  If I did this one again I would look for more opportunities for interaction.  With a short time frame and a lot of material to cover,  I ended up doing all the talking.  The people who did respond to prompts used the chat more than the microphone. I had a lot of browser windows open with courses as examples and part way through, it seemed like some had gone missing and did what felt like a little bit of a free-fall but I think I got it back.  I will follow up with participants next week and send them a hand out with some screen shots of ‘how-to’ do some of the organizational things we talked about. I got a couple of positive comments in the chat that some of the content was new to them.  One more to go in this series – all about Feedback and Grading in BB.

There are things buzzing around with regards to ‘the virus’. My professional network and conversations at work indicate that more people are going to be looking for ways to communicate by distance. I anticipate a busy week next week, and an opportunity to think about how to create and share resources for the future.



Week Ending Feb 28, 2020

Today’s post

lemon wedges

will likely be on the brief side. I’ve had a progressively worsening cold this week and am not at full brain capacity. Hence the lemons. I will go and get some vitamin C.

Last Friday’s presentation went well. I think I already shared that. I like it when participants are also contributors. I sent out a follow up email including the slides I used because there were a lot of links on them. No one, so far has answered my feedback question. Last time there were immediate responses. I think I will come up with a new question for next time.

I attended a meeting about Open textbooks and we are planning sessions to recruit interested faculty.  I contacted BCcampus to see if they can share some existing resources and lend us some print copies of Open textbooks. They will send us some printed books and have shared their slides (a lot of slides!) here. I will have a look through to see if I can find some stats on students saving money. I can find the stats but if someone has already created a great slide I will use it. It’s another way to demonstrate Open. I think it will be important for us to share as well (when we have some content).

We had our weekly Teaching and Learning Centre meeting to plan for our future as a centre and our roles within it.

Liesel and I are working with some Early Childhood Education faculty around using BlueJeans to support students in remote areas. We met and had a chat with them about their needs and what, or if, BlueJeans will be the right tool for the job. I’ll be digging in next week and creating accounts and having them try it out.

i was invited to a meeting with like minded video conferencers from OK college, Yukon College and Coast Mountain to talk about Video conferencing at our respective institutions. We’ll get together monthly as a “Video Conferencing Professional Learning Community”. It’s great to hear what’s happening at these institutions and what they’re trying out to support distance learners.

I came in for the Planning and Standards meeting this morning because I know a number of people couldn’t attend.  We made it through three policies.  I put a couple of planned vacations in the calendar for next year and had a quick meeting with an instructor this morning – again for grade centre questions. It’s a good thing we’ll be talking about assessments in the final webinar of my inagural series.

Priorities for next week are:

Plan for next Friday’s session. I’m going to be talking about organization in BB Learn. We’re going to spark some joy through the art of tidying up. I want to share what the content collection is, and does, as well as how to use folders to keep things organized. I try to walk people through the student experience in finding things but it’s also important in the back end that things are easier for instructors. It’s not the sexiest topic but it’s SOOOOO important.

BlueJeans admin.  I need a quick walk through of the admin area to get instructors signed up with accounts and to get comfortable with the settings for my own BlueJeans account.

Laurie, Margaret and I are going to get together to go over our PD plans.  Since we work different days we don’t get to see each other much despite being in the same office space. I find it easier to understand what their plans are like when they can explain it to me. Mine needs some work and some more firm dates.

I’m not feeling very reflective today but I am looking forward to things happening around Open resources and BlueJeans, as well as seeing what happens at my next BB session.

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