Construction workers in Mexico

Building seemed to come up a lot in this entry so these construction workers in Mexico seemed appropriate.  Safety first.  It might not be the way I would do it, but they get things done.  

This week was about working off the list of things to do. I spent time looking for resources that could be useful for the Teach Anywhere site  with an eye for Creative Commons licensing that would allow for us to remix, reuse and adapt some of them for a specific to  NIC context.  I also wanted some things that weren’t specific to the pivot, because while a quick shift was important in the moment, there are some foundational principles that will be important going forward. 

I drafted a concept map for everything I could think of related to access. I used Google draw and it’s a start but not exactly what I need to convey what I’m trying to do. I see this as a broad category concept on one level with bullets for each broad category followed by a layer of text for the bullets as well as the relationship of all the categories to

  1.  the college in general
  2. programs
  3. courses. 

Even if I don’t need ALL of this information I need to work through it in my head and have all the layers in place. Maybe I’ll try PowerPoint… In my head it’s like on of those paper cut outs that starts flat and turns into something 3D when you pull the top – I’m just a little conceptual.  What I want is a clean, simple, diagram that can be expanded on with more detail without cluttering it up. 

I drafted up an outline for a sample course that instructors can work through, kind of like our student orientation course.  It will be a ‘learn about’ and ‘do’ style woven with concepts like engagement and instructor presence. I’m looking forward to building it.  

I did the two challenges for the Open ED Challenge Series . They really don’t take very much time and I was reacquainted  with the Creative Commons license chooser and the Google advanced search that includes Creative Commons licensing. I like the way the challenges are building on each other. 

On the PD front, I signed up for Open Access in Action: Tales from Five Institutions  on Oct. 21st. I spent a bit of time with the etug conference planning group and that was fun. We’ve got a schedule together for the upcoming fall conference on Nov 6th. There were some interesting presentations submitted and I’m looking forward to connecting with the etug community.  I started my PD application for the LILLY conference and will print and hand that in on Monday. 

Friday I got through the EdCo package in the morning and the EdCo meeting in the afternoon. I like being part of the process and that the committee is made up of a diverse group from different areas of the college. We all pick up on different things. 

Next week’s priorities will be finishing up the job description, getting my PD applications in and starting the build on the sample course.