I took a little time to cull some pens that no longer work. A small step towards organization. How does it go? Release/chuck what no longer serves you?
I had a couple of more Instructor meetings this week. Mostly around confidence in using the tools. I think they’ll be fine once the initial nerves are worked out. Practicing seemed to help with that.
Margaret and I did our joint session and I had two other scheduled sessions. We had small turn outs all around but that was okay because it made things a bit more conversational than ‘delivered’. For my second session only one person showed up but they showed up in a different BlueJeans room. I’m not sure what happened but I tested the link on a couple of computers. We are going to rebook but they also have access to the unit of the sampler course that I use for the session and seemed happy with that.
Speaking of the sampler course. I’ve been revising it- still undecided on whether the name still works. I have I copied it into a new course space in case I didn’t like my new changes. I made some changes to the organization and am adding the module organizers. It should be ready Tuesday, at least for peer review.
Margaret and I had a good end of week chat about the Indigenization session she did with BCcampus. It reminded us that we were going to work on a project together so we’ll be thinking about what that will look like next week.
I also plan to go back to the ‘To-Do’ list I created a while ago and see how my earlier plans line up with the present. I was going to build a resource and that’s been on my mind. I have a lot of PD experiences from November to pull from and I think I’ll just start writing some ideas out to see what I can come up with that would be useful for NIC.