White daisy with yellow center facing the sunLooking forward, looking up. Monday was about direction, re-defining/ re-branding my role and what I do – or as Liesel puts it ‘Terri 3.0’.

I’ll be putting my attention toward access and Open, and I like it. Access is what got me started on the path to Instructional Design and Distance Education so to be circling back to that – more of a Bruner style spiral than a circle back really – feels good.

I spent some time looking at the 10 DIY actions instructors can take on Blackboard Learn. The things they don’t need helpdesk or a tech for.  We have quite a few resources available already and I’ll be creating some more.  I did a couple of practice videos for things like customizing the home page. I’m working on my cadence and timing and the closed captioning gets better as I do.

Next week we will hear about the 10 point plan for the College going forward and I’m really looking forward to a) knowing that we have a plan, and b) hearing more about it.  I’m feeling optimistic about the possibilities.

Short one this week. I’ve got some direction for next week and some interesting things to work on.