Head shaped glass sculpture wearing a helmet

No real reason for this photo – clean desk(top) clear head?  Saw this sculpture in a museum at the cabanas in Guadalajara. 

Despite not having workshops or studios there was enough to do to keep busy this week, but also a little time to a some physical and digital cleaning up. I had a few un-filed files and things thrown on my desktop, and my desk that I put away. 

I went into the office on Tuesday so that I could hand off a laptop dock to Margaret and set up my own. We had a socially distanced conversation with Gerald, the Health and Safety Manager who lives across the hall (for now). Looking forward to seeing the NIC branded masks.

The Spanish class I signed up for has started. It’s a distance section but will probably have some synchronous clarification sessions. When I was a student, I was a student for a really long time. I hope I remember how… 

There were a couple of instructor conversations early in the week but that has slowed to crickets (as of Thursday afternoon) I expect more around mid-term and/or when the first of the grading starts. That kind of information – marking and grade center – doesn’t stick until one has to do it.

I spent a good portion of my Thursday just playing around with Kaltura Capture and trying to get a screen cast for how to turn on captions. I had a few false starts and managed a couple of ‘not-bad’ versions. Most of the issues were around getting the frame for the recording in the right place or not being able to grab the recording control to drag it out of the way in time. It was kind of fun to watch the recording and see where the Kaltura captions were different from the BlueJeans captions. Bluejeans came out as ‘bleaching’.  I will work on enunciation while trying not to sound like a robot. I will also try not to let perfection get in the way of good enough but I know I can do better. It gets easier every time. Practice, practice, practice. 

Friday was the first Education Council meeting of the term.  We have lost our Chair due to the faculty lay-offs. I’ve resigned from Planning and Standards and from the Fast-track Committee but since EdCo was an elected position I’m going to stick out my term. I’ve been thinking that committee work is going to look different going forward – along with everything else. 

A few requests came in on Friday afternoon and all were (nicely) directed to help desk.