Digestive buscuits and ginger ale served at the hospitalI’ve been drafting this post in my head but didn’t get it down during the week.  There isn’t much work to reflect on because I took the week off. Probably better that I waited to post, there were some painkillers involved in those mental drafts.  This picture is what I had for dinner Saturday night. Not the rib-eye we had planned.

Everything happened very quickly.

I broke my leg last Saturday, had surgery on Sunday and was home Monday afternoon. There wasn’t a lot of time to think or to worry.   I came to ‘acceptance’ pretty early in the process. There was really nothing I could do and there’s no point in being frustrated about it.  I spent the week between the couch and bed moving with a walker so as not to put any weight on my left leg. I have another ten or so days like that until I see the surgeon. I am very fortunate to have someone to take care of me at home.

I did do a couple of work-adjacent  things in between naps. As the days went by, I had more lucid periods and could concentrate a little. I checked in on email and managed to complete the last two challenges for the OER challenge. Next week I’ll follow up with the other NIC participants. I won a Massey Books gift certificate in a draw last week so that was nice. I’ll need some reading material for recovery.

Friday it was a nice treat to attend the etug conference.  The day was planned with breaks between sessions and the sessions weren’t too long so it was manageable. So nice to see and hear old friends and some new faces.  It was a good mix of content too.

I am going to try a little work next week and see – will probably take a few more sick days until I’m sure I can be up for it.

Playing with the H5P image slider again. I put the after picture first.