Everybody Knows (that)

Or maybe they don't? Might as well share.

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Week Ending Feb 12, 2021

two deck chairs with a table between on a deck with no railingsCare to join me for an interview? 🙂 Watch your step… We waited for railings on our deck for what seemed like a very long time…

Another quick week . I had a couple more interviews and have set up some more for next week. I held off booking too many due to the craft services course. There is no content for that yet so I did an email blitz with the rest of my open and access contact list and will hopefully be able to schedule the last of the interviews I want to do.  In the mean time I am making connections and finding themes arise with the people that I talk to.  I think early March is realistic to make a report out of what I (will) have to work with. I know that craft services still has a tight timeline so I imagine that will take up a good chunk of my hours when the content does come in.

I am now trying to imagine how I will do some graphic representations for the report and the kinds of headers and sections I will use for organization. It might be that my original organizers don’t fit with the content, or maybe I’ll have to add a couple. I have really enjoyed talking to colleagues and hearing their perspectives. I had a great talk with the crew from the Student’s Union and we will be talking some more about open textbooks/resources soon. I can see where that conversation will fit in with recommendations.

I’ve also done a little reading from the BCcampus newsletter on open and accessible content and I registered for Cascadia  since it’s all about Open Education, and, it looks like I won’t be on vacation…

Next week will be taken up with more interviews and more organization of the material that I have. I will read through some of the transcripts and look for more themes/commonalities. If the content comes through I’ll likely spend some time on the craft services course.  I’ve had a few more responses since I started writing this post. I am once again, really pleased that people are interested in talking about access. It’s reaffirming that NIC is a place where people really care about student success.


Week Ending Feb 5, 2021

crabs on rocks with the ocean in the backgroundCrabs on rocks – not under them 🙂  I had a new telephoto lens and a relaxing afternoon on this day at Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta.

I’ve still got my weeks ending on Friday in the title but I think I’ll keep that for consistency. I only just realized that it’s Thursday afternoon (at 4:15) and time to write a reflection. It didn’t feel like the end of the week yet.

I spent most of this week composing emails and connecting with colleagues about what open and access means to them with regard to North Island College. Such big, broad terms and I was pleased to learn that this is something people want to talk about. I had a few interviews this week and have a couple more scheduled for next week. I still have people to contact and a few I hope to hear back from. I’m recording with captions so I will have the transcripts to review.

I had a really good chat with Sue Doner at Camosun this week too.  She is a long time advocate of accessible design and was able to share her perspective, experience, and some resources with me.  We are going to come up with a project we can collaborate on.

I will also be working on a Craft Services course for the TV and Film Crew micro credentials that are being offered.

Plan for next week is to source some images for the Craft Services course and load some content if it’s ready. I’ll be talking to more college colleagues and setting up more interviews. I’m already seeing a common ‘pain point’ to access surfacing.  Like Liesel in other areas, I feel like I may be turning over a few rocks…

Week Ending January 29, 2021

pink rose in the sunlight shot from the back Looking forward to some good news, some sunshine, some day.

It started out as  one of those weeks but it got better. Between lock down fatigue, the daily sick and dead count on the news, not being as healed as I hoped I would be by now and (sure, why not) a full moon, I was dealing with a little frustration.

I did, however, make some progress on the open/access report. I’ve got an email ready to go and some questions to ask people. I will set up meetings/interviews for next week. I’ve also started thinking about next steps and what we can do now and into the future. It will be interesting to see what comes up in the report. I think the trickiest part will be organizing the information that comes in since the categories are broad and open to interpretation. I’ve set definitions for the scope of the project but I know I’ll hear some perspectives that I haven’t included. I’m going to put a chart or something together as categories emerge and attempt to visually represent some of the information. Should be fun.

I signed up for a change management course this week. A bit of a re-direct to kick the aforementioned frustration – aka – find something within your control. I haven’t finished but there are a lot of familiar  principles and concepts so far.

Next week I’ll be organizing and hopefully having some meetings around open/access. I have a meeting with a friend/colleague from Camosun to talk about what they do. I’m curious whether others have done this kind of report/assessment. I think there is also an opportunity for us to collaborate on something so we’ll see if we can come up some ideas.

Week Ending Jan 22, 2021

Cute dog, French bulldog, Boston crossGratutitous dog photo. This is George. He stayed over recently.

I did some more work on the Sampler course this week. Mostly aesthetic now. I am going to add the section(s) on assessment and grade center back in, finish up with some images and then hopefully a peer review and done.

I have a project to work on now with regard to access and open at the college. I’ve started outlining in Google docs and making plans to map out the three parts of what will become a report.

I have been doing some Instructional Design lately and while I still consider myself an Instructional Designer I haven’t really been flexing those muscles much. I’m seeing things differently  and noticing nice organization when I see it.  Two things that stood out recently : (one)  a very long pdf that had colour coding – the first page of a section was all one colour and each page of the section had a bar of the same colour across the top. Not earth shattering or new, but it just jumped out at me and it looked really good. For accessibility colour can’t be the only thing but of course there were headers and numbers, etc. I like the use of icons too – and was reminded this week of the Noun Project.  The other thing  I observed (two) was a powerpoint slide in a presentation that had the tabs of the sections of the presentation across the top and the section being presented was highlighted. It was simple, elegant, and easy to follow. I am happy to be noticing – that’s the thing about good design, when it’s really good you almost don’t notice it.

<pI attended a FLO Friday session this week: Ideas and Inspirations to Break Out of the Online Discussion Forum Rut. There were some fun creative ideas and it was well facilitated. 

Saving this link here from Brenna: The LMS, Tech-driven pedagogy, and making bad choices too easy. It came up on my twitter feed and I want to give it some more time than the casual read so far.

Next week, I am going to clean up and add images and a bit of content to the Sampler course. I hope to make some time to work on this blog and get a few more categories in. Primarily I’ll be working on the Access/Open report. I have a list of people, or areas that I will be contacting but before I do that I am going to draft some questions – general to the report, and specific to departments/people.

So far I’m looking at four headers for access: Geographical, Physical, Financial, and Cognitive. That could change but works for me for now. I will list everything I can think of under each header with regard to the college and go from there.

I’m going to try for the three day week going forward – Tues – Thurs and we’ll see how that goes.

Week Ending Jan 15, 2021

some pens and a note pad with scribbles on it

I took a little time to cull some pens that no longer work. A small step towards organization. How does it go? Release/chuck what no longer serves you?

I had a couple of more Instructor meetings this week. Mostly around confidence in using the tools. I think they’ll be fine once the initial nerves are worked out. Practicing seemed to help with that.

Margaret and I did our joint session and I had two other scheduled sessions. We had small turn outs all around but that was okay because it made things a bit more conversational than ‘delivered’.  For my second session only one person showed up but they showed up in a different BlueJeans room. I’m not sure what happened but I tested the link on a couple of computers. We are going to rebook but they also have access to the unit of the sampler course that I use for the session and seemed happy with that.

Speaking of the sampler course. I’ve been revising it- still undecided on whether the name still works. I have I copied it into a new course space in case I didn’t like my new changes. I made some changes to the organization and am adding the module organizers. It should be ready Tuesday, at least for peer review.

Margaret and I had a good end of week chat about the Indigenization session she did with BCcampus. It reminded us that we were going to work on a project together so we’ll be thinking about what that will look like next week.

I also plan to go back to the ‘To-Do’ list I created a while ago and see how my earlier plans line up with the present. I was going to build a resource and that’s been on my mind. I have a lot of PD experiences from November to pull from and I think I’ll just start writing some ideas out to see what I can come up with that would be useful for NIC.


Week ending Jan 8, 2021

Burst of FireworksStarting the New Year and the new week off with a bang.

This was a busy week right off the start.  We are hiring for two postings so there were some meetings around those as well as some instructor support. Monday and Tuesday were very full.

Margaret and I had a session to prepare for on Tuesday so we met a couple of times. There wasn’t much time to work on it before Christmas as we both had other projects. It was mapped out in a google doc but we had some holes to fill and we needed to figure out who would say what. We had three participants and we covered 5 principles for engagement and used some of the speaker content from the various conferences we attended in November. I enjoyed doing it.

I’ve also been working one on one with an instructor this week. I have been giving them homework assignments before each meeting and things are coming together.

Monday and Tuesday kept filling up so I blocked out some time in my calendar for prep time for my own sessions on Wednesday and Thursday.  I had outlines but wanted to feel more prepared.  I am starting to put more things like that in my calendar – even a half hour to sort out priorities – because the time just seems to disappear. I’ve had limited success with this strategy in the past but it seemed to work this week.

The session on ‘clearing the path’ and creating clear navigation went well. Again, it was a small group and it’s practical information so pretty straight forward. For the session on ‘putting out the welcome mat’ now that I’ve done it once I know that next time I will make it more conversational up front. We can unpack a few terms together. I think I can also use some visuals to see how people ‘feel’ about them. This one is still practical information but it’s more personal. I used a module in the sampler course for most of the content. It was a small group again ,with a couple who had been in the session the day before. We had some time to talk about their specific teaching situations and formats and how to bring in some of the community/humanizing pieces.

Speaking of the sampler course I was able to take  a little time to revisit it. It was tricky to be objective while I was immersed in creating the content. Now I am looking at it with my Instructional Designer hat on and I can see some missing pieces. I created a folder on what a module should/could look like but I haven’t followed my own advice. I now need to go through and create a consistent format for each module and find some ways to logically break up long pieces of content. I also want to revisit the name and decide if that’s what it even is anymore. I took out the pieces on assessments and grade center because they didn’t seem to fit any longer. I’ll take a holistic look at it and what the goals for the course are and make a decision. We have so much content on ‘how to’ do things so I don’t want this to be ‘that’, but it’s hard to separate sometimes. Anyway… I am putting a block of time in my calendar next week to address the consistency and content chunking.

I enjoyed my break and it’s good to be back.  I feel like this was a really productive week.

Week ending 2020

A depth of field view of a gingerbread house under constructionGingerbread house under construction. A different sort of build than I’ve been working on lately.

I didn’t get to my last weekly reflection for the year. It was a busy week just trying to wrap up the Blackboard course I was working on. That, and it was time for a break.

The direction of the course changed a couple of times and the focus near the end became organization, navigation and creating multiple pathways. So, I took some things out and added some things in. The organization piece is so important. I don’t think there is much consistency in Blackboard usage across the college and that is very frustrating for students.
I really wanted to have information on managing a course, things like setting a tone and being explicit about expectations. The intent is to take a more holistic approach beyond, how to use the tools.

Margaret and I are working on some sessions for the new year. It will be good to be working with people again. The two I’ve planned on my own tie back to the content in the Blackboard course mentioned above and Margaret and I will be drawing from out Lilly conference experiences for a joint session.

I thought about doing a year in review based on the weekly reflections but I think I’ll just enjoy my last little bit of time off instead. It was an ‘interesting’ time for sure. I think 2021 will still have us thinking on our feet because I believe that the sand is still shifting under them. I was excited about the possibilities that the big changes of 2020 presented but the change was too big, the team was too small and the timing was too quick. Still, we managed to pull a lot of resources together and we have some foundation to work with even if we have to rebuild some of the walls with whatever new changes are coming.


Week Ending Dec 11, 2020

hanging tree on Celebrity Reflection shipCircling up.

This week was all about the Blackboard Sampler course. I feel like I’m running the same circle on a track but on each pass through something changes so maybe more like one of those big parking lots where I’m actually moving up a level on each go around. I did not get enough done this week but I keep adding  so things are happening. There were a couple of Ultra related changes that involved taking some things out and then putting them back in again. It will come together – it IS coming together. I’m just very conscious of the way time is flying. I had hoped for something more polished by today.

I had a walk through of the course with Liesel  on Monday- always good to have another set of eyes. As the week wore on and new projects came up I got a better sense of how I will create continuity, or, patterns for certain types of information. I hit low energy mid-week so fortunately I had some mechanical things to do that didn’t require a lot of creative thinking.

I had a good chat with Geoff about student issues with Blackboard and they are mostly due to what sounds like poor organization and that is helpful to know.  Also got to have tea and work chats with Margaret a couple of times. We have some sessions to plan for January. The ‘Foundations’ as I’m calling it right now, of good (online – I know we haven’t been using that word) course design is the first part of the sampler course and I think it’s something I can turn into a session quite easily, and it sounds like it would be useful to a lot of people.  We’ve been talking about some of the ITC Lilly sessions and can see where some of those can be worked in as well – all the while conscious that this break won’t be much of a break for many who still have to re-adjust courses.

There was some good talk about  new and upcoming projects to support faculty. I have some write ups for sessions to do and we are holding interviews next week for a new CTLI person. Lots going on. I laughed when I saw a tweet by Martin Weller – paraphrasing – “I keep cavalierly saying ‘let’s take that up in the New Year’ with no regard for my future self”. I feel like that’s what next week is going to be like for me – SO MUCH TO DO! but it’s all good. Better to have a full plate. I am starting to really look forward to the Christmas break. It’s going to be weird but we will make the best of it.

Week Ending Dec 4, 2020

rainbow coloured parasail against a blue skySoaring?

Another PD filled week. I attended the ITLC Lilly conference and got some inspiration from some of the speakers. I attended almost all of the plenary sessions and couple of round tables.  I liked the energy of the kick-off speaker Jessamyn Neuhaus (author of Geeky Pedagogy). A lot of this content is not new to me but it is really valuable to be reminded of it especially as I am building the Blackboard course for instructors. One of my favourite quotes from this session – I think quoting Victoria Nesnick – “your course is not a crock pot – you can’t set it and forget it”.  There was also the thought of responsiveness to students being separated by time and space. That’s a concept I use a lot when I’m facilitating anything to do with online Teaching and Learning – and funnily enough ‘Time and Space’ was the topic I chose to do a short video for BCcampus on facilitation tips. I usually add the caveat that I am #notascientist. That was another ‘out of the comfort zone’ moment for me, but they asked nicely and I’ve decided to embrace opportunities like that and have fun with them.

I really enjoyed Lilian Nave and Kevin Gannon’s sessions  – didn’t realize he was the ‘tattooed prof’ on twitter until the other day. I  have loads of resources from the plenary sessions open to follow up with and a few synchronous sessions to finish (and start) watching. I think five days is a bit long for a conference but it was resource packed and very well put together.

Tuesday was also the ‘Teach in Against Surveillance’ I had to split the cognitive load a little on that day to get to both events. Fortunately, any bits of plenary sessions I missed were recorded. It was a very powerful session. The passion, the solidarity, the shared outrage but also hopefulness, the speaker list… just.. inspiring. Ian urged us to call proctoring software what it is -academic surveillance software – not ed tech.

One more quote “Students are allies, not adversaries” from Kevin Gannon’s plenary, resonated this week.

Other than that I’ve been writing. Each day something comes from a plenary, or from twitter that I want to to add to to the Sampler course. I realize that each section could probably be its own micro-course. There’s so much to understand about why engagement, community, accessibility, presence, are as, or more, important than course content.  I’ve been writing and organizing and outlining. Now it’s time to start putting in some media and some activities to make it more interactive. It will be good to get another set of eyes on it Monday. I still need more graphics, more colour but it will come. I’ve started a powerpoint on all the things I want to say about metaphorically opening the doors and turning on the lights so that students, all students, feel like they should there. Thanks Flower Darby.

I almost forgot that I also listened to Brenna Clark Gray’s session on caring Friday – there were three NIC faculty in attendance.

Week Ending November 27, 2020

Colourful chopped vegetables in a saladThis week was a bit of a mixed bag – or- a tossed salad?

We had a meeting with the hiring committee to narrow down a short list of candidates.  We had a CTLI meeting to check in and a meeting about the impending Blackboard Ultra switch-over. I spent some time looking at videos about Ultra and experimenting with my courses in Course Sites. I copied over a version of the Instructional Skills Workshop Online (ISWO) that I ran at NIC a number of years ago. It used a lot of the tools and I got over 1600 errors on my import. I didn’t spend a lot of time looking over the errors but I will. I want to know how easy (or not) it will be for instructors to clean up after an import – and what triggers the errors. 1600 sounds like a lot but a quick look revealed that it wasn’t that scary.

I spent some time on ITLC Lilly conference site. I updated my profile and made some notes on which synchronous sessions I might want to take in.

The rest of my time was spent working on the Blackboard Sampler Course for instructors. It feels a bit like writing an outline for a paper at the moment. Mostly descriptive content so far but I’m working on adding interactions. I hope I can make more time to work on it in and around the conference next week.  I want to make aesthetic changes but I think it’s more important to keep moving forward for now.

That’s about it. I’m building in more breaks just to get comfortable but am able to move a little better and am bending my knee as ordered by the surgeon. It’s going to be a while but hey, it’s been almost 4 weeks already so, almost halfway there.


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